Join us for The Education Fund Teach-A-Thon!




The Teach-A-Thon is a public awareness campaign, a walk-a-thon with a twist, a networking opportunity, a team-building exercise, and more...

The Teach-A-Thon connects business professionals, culinary professionals and community leaders (Public School Champions) to the education field by having them step into the shoes of current educators for at least one in-person or virtual lesson.

Join leaders from Wells Fargo, Marriott International, Allen Morris, Baptist Health, Bast Amron LLP, Chen Medical Center, Ford Motor Company, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, Kaufman Rossin, TD Bank, TrustServeLP, 和世界燃料服务公司参加2023-24年AG亚游集团官方网站的马拉松教学活动.

It's a campaign.
The Teach-A-Thon is an exciting campaign, with the goal of making a difference in our children’s futures while educating the business community and others about the joys and challenges of teaching.

It's a walk-a-thon with a twist.
Teach-A-Thon采用了一种创新的步行马拉松策略. 志愿者们不是走路、跑步或爬楼梯,而是为“教学日”进行训练." As part of the training process, 参与者将了解为什么学生在STEAM领域需要更多的支持.

It's a networking opportunity.
培训简单、有趣,是与其他专业人士交流的好方法. Public School Champions 要么独立工作,要么与同事合作. They gain an understanding of what the community can do to improve teaching quality while learning how to create a stimulating lesson plan. Equipped with this insight, 你可以把这些信息传播给同事和朋友,同时为你的教学日寻求支持.

It's fun. 
竞选活动包括两个月的窗口期 Public School Champions 在指定的教室里花一到两个小时进行教学. A victory party soon follows where our participants and their teacher partners celebrate and share stories of success about the experience.

How it Works 

  • Teach a lesson: 
    Spearheaded by The Education Fund, the Teach-A-Thon program invites business and culinary professionals to bring their expertise into Miami-Dade County public school classrooms. 给你选择的科目和年级(小学)的一个班级上45分钟的课, middle, or high school).
  • Fundraise for public schools: 
    与你的社交网络分享你的独特经历,帮助人们更多地了解这一事业. Fundraise through a user-friendly online platform to support teacher grants and classroom funding to help students succeed!
  • You'll be set up for success: 
    Easy-to-follow lesson plans and teacher support will ensure your teaching experience is as impactful and seamless as possible.

过去的Teach-A-Thons募集了超过50万美元的善款 2,900 Public School Champions and their teacher partners in public school classrooms across Miami-Dade. 

Utility executives taught science classes, bankers taught engineering, 记者们通过教授金融知识来挑战自己. 从幼儿园到12年级的学生向整个社区学习. 更重要的是,参加者认识到支持公共教育的重要性. And, they were quick to spread the word. Whether sponsors pledged $1 or $100, 每个人都被这样的信息所感动:教学是我们社会中最重要的职业之一.

For more information, contact Marilen Marnett:
305.298.9099 or