Food Forests for Schools

Food Forests for Schools


Musa spp. (Musaceae)

  • Perennial fleshy plant with large green leaves often having a hint of purple and red. 这种植物形成一个撕裂状的花序,挂在花序的末端,长出绿色的粗短香蕉,长得很长,一旦成熟就会变成黄色.
  • The fruit is peeled and eaten raw or cooked. 果皮富含纤维和碳水化合物,因此被用作饲料. The flower can be consumed for treatment of diabetes, and leaves are used to dress wounds.
  • Fruit is a good source of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.
  • Best in medium moisture, well-drained soil.
  • Full sun.


For more information, please call:
305-558-4544, ext. 118
or Email Food Forest for Schools Program Manager